# Include <iostream>
# Include <conio>
class count {
friend ostream & operator <<(ostream &, const count &);
friend istream & operator>> (istream &, & count); public:
count ();
hitung_luas void () {area = (3.14 * r * r);} / / formula to find area of a circle
hitung_volum void () {volume = (3.14 * (r * r * r) * 4 / 3);} / / formula to find the volume of the ball.
int r int wide; float volume; / / declaring variables that will be used
count:: count () {
court <<"Counting Program Area of Circles and Balls Volume: \ n";
istream & operator>> (istream & ins, count & input) {/ * input function to call the class count * /
court <<"Enter the value jari2:"; in>> masukkan.r; / / input value of the radius
return ins;
ostream & operator <<(ostream & out, const count & output) {
out <<"The value of r:" <<keluaran.r <<endl <<endl;
out <<"broad circle:" <<keluaran.luas <<endl;
out <<"volume of the ball:" <<keluaran.volum <<endl; / * court or the output of the value of r, n lingkran Area Volume of ball * /
return out;
main () {
count x; / / x function to replace the class count
cin>> x; / / input value x (the radius).
x.hitung_luas (); / / call the formula area of a circle that is in a class count
x.hitung_volum (); / / call volume sphere formula that is in a class count
court <<x; / / results
getch ();
return 0;
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